books i've read this year

Brandon's bookshelf: books-for-2nd-nine-weeks

FallenThe Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's NestThe Girl Who Played with FireThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1)Saving the World and Other Extreme SportsThe Final Warning

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Thursday, May 5, 2011


How many people try to live up to people's expectations. How many model themselves after someone just to "fit in"? The song Riptide by SickPuppies has a great message which is live for yourself. Don't try to live up to others expectations, just your own. That you don't have to justify the way you live your life 'cause your different. You don't have to listen to everything they say you should do. The reason being that it will "help you."

 I love the message because so many people in today's society try to fit in and change themselves just to make others happy, and the others that don't try to fit in are criticized, called freaks, and are made fun of.
If you want an example of that just look at any high shcool in america. If your not part of the "in" crowd your a nobody.I really hate that the world is like that. It really is pathetic. I just don't understand the concept that idea. What's the point of fitting in with others if you loose what makes you you in the process?

So anyone out there reading this remember, live for yourself and no one else just so you can fit in. Don't loose yourself in the crazy world of todays society.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Why do we fight each other
How come we insist on punishing one another
What happened to the world's humanity
Why can't we treat eachother like family

Isn't everyone supposed to be "equal"
Where did those ideals go
Did everyone just forget about them
Or do they just not care

Everyone's the same
Quality dosn't matter
Unless we can
Amend our actions
Loss is all we'll achieve

Friday, April 29, 2011

poem for english

What happens to a cause to fight
Does it fade away into the night
like a fire slowly loosing light
Or does it spread like a virus
and then takes control of everyone
Does it cause distruction
Or does it bring peace
Like a sunrise
Maybe it just goes away
like an unwanted stray
Or does it stay

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Should Video Games be Art?

    Should video games be considered art? I think video games should definitely be considered art. If movies or music can be considered art, then why not video games? Video games have character designers designing characters for games which is just like an artist sitting down and drawing a character on paper. Another thing is the scenery. Most games have amazing sceneries, especially in the background. There will be a waterfall that looks real or a field of flowers blowing in the wind that looks like you are actually in the field. Another thing that’s a reason for video games to be art is the cinematics. For example, in the game Final Fantasy XIII the cinematics look like actual people. And many other games have amazing graphics.
    There are people who say video games is more like sports than art because you have a certain amount control over the game, unlike art. While you do have some control, you don’t have control over some aspects of the games. Like the way the background looks, or the buildings surrounding your character, or the way your characters look. Even if you do have control over how the character looks, you are pretty much creating art if you design the character.
    I understand the peoples point of view who say video games are not art. Am I gonna make a big deal about it? No. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. But I say video games should be considered as an art form.

Monday, December 6, 2010

make a stand

I wonder why so many people like watching someone else getting hurt. I can’t understand the mentality of a person who sees some human being in pain, and smiles about it. Like what happens in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games. A boy and girl from each of the 12 distracts are sent to the Capitol to partake in the Hunger Games which is a fight to the death to remind everyone that the Capitol is stronger than they are. So while people as young as 12 go to the games and are brutally murdered on live T.V., people in the Capitol sit and watch them die while they talk about it like it’s no big deal. Sure people are dying, but they don’t care as long as they have entertainment.
People can be so cruel sometimes. Like the countless bullies across the U.S. making fun of and beating up kids who are weaker than them just for the fun of it, and to show there dominance over the weak like in The Hunger Games. I can’t fathom why someone would want  to harm someone for the fun of it. It’s just barbaric. I  will admit that I do like the UFC and other MMA organizations, but they are trained professionals who what they are doing ad when to stop. They don’t just find someone weaker than them  and beat them to a bloody pulp.
I don’t know how I would react to being sent to the Hunger Games or watching  it on T.V.  but I know for certain I wouldn’t be the least impressed or amused by people be forced to slaughter one another because our government is on some huge ego trip.I hope the people who are reading this understands what I’m saying. Don’t bully people, help the weak and needy whenever possible, and don’t let people walk all over you because they think they have the right to ‘cause they’re bigger.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Crisis In Little Rock

    I was walking down the road one summer day on the way to the grocery store.  I looked around to enjoy the scenery. The sky was clear and sunny. The wind was blowing but it was only a small breeze. Carriages rush down the road to take their passengers where ever they may want to go on a Saturday in Little Rock. I just got to the door of the store when I looked down the road and saw my friend Aaron running towards me. When he got to me I said, “Where are you running off to in such a hurry?”
I will never forget what he said to me that day.
Aaron said, “Your wife, she’s been in a horrible accident.” I was speechless. I couldn’t move. It felt like my heart had stopped beating.
    “Did you hear me Ben? Your wife was in a accident!” Aaron shouted at me.
    “I heard what you said! Where is she?” I asked walking to the bar.
Aaron said, “She’s at the bar.” What was she doing at the stupid bar?  
“Why was she there?” I demanded.
“She was just walking down the street when two idiots started shooting at each other. She unfortunately got hit by a stray bullet. Some people brought her into the bar. I saw her and asked what happened, then I came looking for you,” was Aaron’s reply.
I took off running to the bar. Please be alright Eliza.
I went around the corner and started to go by the police station. I saw them bringing in two men, the ones who shot Eliza. I’m going to kill them. I started walking towards them but Aaron stopped me. “We don’t have time to deal with them,” he said, “we have to get to Eliza so you can get the bullet out.” We started off towards the bar again. By the time we got there a lot of people were in the bar and around the door.
I heard people muttering to others, “I don’t think she’s gonna make it,” and “Look there’s Dr.Crane. She’s going to be alright.” I slammed through the doors and frantically started looking for Eliza. Then I saw her sprawled out on the bar. Blood was everywhere. Her hair was matted with blood and her white dress was stained crimson. I rushed over to her.
I asked, “Eliza can you hear me?”
“I’m fine,” she replied weakly. Thank god she’s alive. I tried to find where the blood was coming from but there was to much.
“I need a rag!” I screamed. I was handed a rag and I started wiping all the blood away. I finally figured out that the bullet had hit her in the left side of her chest. Oh no. I screamed, “Aaron go get my supplies now!” I heard the door slam shut as he left. “Eliza please hang on. I will get the bullet out and everything will be fine,” I said cradling her head in my hands.
She replied, “It OK. You don’t have to lie. I love you.” She fell back on the bar unconscious. No she can’t die.
“Eliza, please wake up. Don’t die please,” I said with tears running down my cheeks. I heard someone burst through the doors.
“I got ‘em,” Aaron said rushing towards me, “here you go.”
“Thank you,” I replied without looking at him. I won’t let you die Eliza. “Please get everyone out of here,” I said to Aaron.
He started getting everyone out saying, “Give the man some room to work people.” I got out some scissors and started cutting her white dress so I could get to the wound. I pulled out the disinfectant and started cleaning the wound. I put the stuff down and got the tweezers. I was glad Eliza had been unconscious for this so she didn’t to feel the pain. Please help me do this God. I started to dig the tweezers into the wound trying to get a hold on the bullet. I tried for thirty seconds before I finally got a good grip on it. I slowly extracted the bullet from her chest and threw it as hard as I could towards the wall. I cleaned the wound again just to make sure. I got out the needle and thread and took a deep breath before I started. When I got done I busted into tears.
Aaron came in and said, “Good job. You saved her.”
I snapped back, “We don’t know that yet. It could already be to late. And even if I did she might get an infection and die anyways.” Saying this sent me into another fountain of tears.
“You can’t think like that man. You did the best you could,” Aaron said soothingly.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you,” I said.
He said to me still talking in the soothing voice, “It’s alright. Let’s get her back to your house so both of you can rest.” Half way there she woke up.
She said, “Where am I?”
“We’re on the way to the house,” I answered. “Please stop talking and rest. You’ve been through a lot today,” I said to her failing to hold back the tears of joy. She’s going to make it. She’s going to be alright.

Monday, November 1, 2010


    Have you ever had a brother or sister betray you? A father, mother, or even a friend. That’s what happened to Tessa in Cassandra Clare’s Clockwork Angel. She moved to London because her brother Nate had sent her a ticket to come to London since there aunt died. She is picked up by two people and taken to there house where she is kept captive and forced to “Change”. She only does this because they say they have her brother. Later on she rescues her brother just for him to try and turn her into the person who “kidnapped” him. I would kill him if I were her. Spend all that time worrying about him and making sure everyone helped look for him just for him to betray me and turn me into someone who wants to do whatever it is that’s in his head to me. I would never do that to my brothers. Well maybe my little brother. Just joking. After the brother tried to turn her in, he stole the Pyxis so he can fill all the automatons with demonic energy and use them to destroy all the Shadowhunters in London. Even if that plan worked I sincerely doubt that they would be able to destroy all of the Shadowhunters around the world who would no doubt attack them.
    I think betraying someone is one of the worst things you could do to a brother/sister or friend. Like one time I wanted to jump off the roof of my house onto my trampoline. My little brother said I wouldn’t so I did it. After I did he went and told on me. I felt like strangling him but I somehow kept myself from doing it. Something else that happened when I was about 8 is that my mom told not to watch this scary movie my dad had just got. So of course I had to see it. One night I put it in when everyone was asleep. My brother walked into the living room in the middle of it and told on me the next day after he said he wouldn't. I did get into fight with him. Luckily we’ve been equally matched when it came to fighting so I didn’t get beat up to bad.